Lives in Helsinki
Birthday June 14th
Hair blond
Eyes blue/blue-grey
Music my
TV series Dramas(especially Korean and Japanese), NCIS, CSI
Literary treat Twilight-series, fantasy and detective fiction/crime fiction
♥ likes Dancing, playing piano, my dog Iina, DBSK (a band) and Japan ;D it’s really nice here.
– dislikes/fears Spiders, bugs, bridges with water under them
Birthday June 14th
Hair blond
Eyes blue/blue-grey
Music my
TV series Dramas(especially Korean and Japanese), NCIS, CSI
Literary treat Twilight-series, fantasy and detective fiction/crime fiction
♥ likes Dancing, playing piano, my dog Iina, DBSK (a band) and Japan ;D it’s really nice here.
– dislikes/fears Spiders, bugs, bridges with water under them