
A day in our lives

Today was a weird one. We woke up at about ten, showered etc etc and were out of the door by noon. We walked around, got some breakfast/lunch from a supermarket and went to the Peace Park (which is in walking distance!). We were debating whether or not it would be rude to eat there on the benches which had engraved plates with the names of the atomic bomb victims, and ended up walking to another park to eat. Which was a good decision as we had a fun time. Woah.

We were sitting there on the side of a stream on some random stairs, miding our own business when weirdness enveloped us into her bosom. A biker-by was PRESUMABLY singing, although all we heard was "aaaaAAAAAAaaalalaaa" and then she was gone and we heard no more. Few minutes later two men in their twenties came by and sat next to us for a grand total of about 60 seconds, then retreating 50 metres or so, hanging behind us for a while. One of them had obvious difficulty with KEEPING HIS SHIRT ON. After these fine men had returned to their car, which they had conviniently parked pretty much in the middle of the road we realized that a Junior High kid who walked over a bridge next to us did it for about the fifth time. He was just walking around, making these sharp turns (like over 90 degrees, what?) and stopping at random moments, walking to and fro the park we were sitting in. After mulling this over for a few minutes it was overrided by a man in his late thirties, who started to smirk at us and mumble random things on the other side of that small stream. Then he decided to cross said stream by coming down the two-metre-high bank and jumping to a level rock, working his way towards us by jumping from one rock to another. And I can say those rocks were sparsely spread. After arriving to our side of the stream he flashed us a smirk and again mumbled something incomprehendable, then continued on his way TO CLIMB A TREE.

Liek, do u like mudkipz? We had an interesting day.

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