
Lazy Osaka

Some may have noticed the lack of entries during the last week or so. We arrived to Osaka on Tuesday and I have a trump card of THE INTERNET WASN'T WORKING. Well, maybe it was working and we were just  a bit lazy. I won't concede to anything because we had a REASON.

Well, nothing of especial interest happened during the first days here, just you know, hanging around IN OSAKA and in Dotonbori (the local shopping district we're visiting again today!), visited one of the worlds largest aquariums, Osaka Floating Garden, Nara aso.

Like, no biggie.

Well anyway.

On Wednesday we went to the aquarium. It had 14 floors. Enough said.

On Thursday we went to Osaka Floating Garden. It was architecturally one of a kind. Enough said.

Yesterday, Friday, we were in Nara and visited the shrines (although we refused to pay the entrence fee to most of them -we'd be pennyless by now if we hadn't, so we just hanged around in the area) and this one with the HUGE-ASS BUDDHA. And with my uncanny explanatory abilities it just might be better to introduce you to the place through an actual photograph.

FYI, the name of the temple was Tōdai-ji and the height of that Buddha is just short of 15m. It was HUGE. Who the hell had the thought process and materials to make it during the EIGHTH CENTURY?

Other than that there were about half-a-million smaller shrined but we didn't visit (did happily pay 500yen to see this Buddha though) and tame deer everywhere.

I wanted to add videos (mainly of the Pacific Ocean -part of the aquarium...) but the internet is so slow that after waiting for 45 minutes for it to load the friggin vid, I gave up and decided I'make the videos public later.

Also the explanations on this entry are bad. I know. But we're leaving in a second to GO SHOPPING and then to OSAKA SPAWORLD *wwwwww*

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