
Spa World

Yesterday we went shopping to Dotonbori, and bought SHOES. Okay I bought only one pair but I love them to bits! Mine are the ones on the right, Mia bought two pairs and a handbag WHICH IS PINK inside!

Then, well, we came back to our hotel and ate takoyaki (...again) and started for SPA WORLD! It was made of awesome, just like we had predicted. Omg. I was speechless when entering the spa-area. GO CHECK THE PICTURES ON THE WEBSITE and fall in love and come to Osaka. (We were on the Europe side as it's for women on odd months, for men on even ones and vice versa on the Asian side.)


On the European side.



Like, if that's not MADE OF WIN I don't know what is! We were running between the lake and sauna and laughing at directing the distraught locals who went for the low-temperature sauna (probably not even a real one -I think it has to be over 70 degrees to actually be a sauna?) and then were shocked as the water was cold, not that wonderful temperature of 40 degrees celcius.

AND. I have to say this.

It was only 1000yen, which means UNDER 10 EUROS. IN TOTAL.

We're going again tomorrow. End of conversation.

But moving on to today (unless you wish to hear a tribute to Spa World). We went to the park near Osaka Castle and actually hanged out! We were just sitting there with our high-brow AMPM konbini onigiris' and reading manga or whatever. So wonderful *---* It was warm but not too hot and oh yes we so need to do this more.

Today we're still going out to eat somewhere (preferably soon, as I am hungry kthxbye) but we've yet to decide where~

But tomorrow it's day in Spa World and evening in Dotonbori, probably.

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