

Today we were SUPER ACTIVE and woke up at 6 o'clock local time. Like, JEEZ, what's up with that? But we wanted to go to the natural onsen, which meant an hour-long trip one-way, which meant an early wake-up.

Well our check-out was at 11 and we wanted to to and fro said natural onsen (in Myoban) so we were at Beppu JR Station by half eight. And walking uphill an hour later. After walking up for better part of an hour we found a lovely natural onsen (hot spring), but I couldn't take actual pictures of the spring because a local came by and after peeling off his clothes -walked right in butt-naked. So you try to go there, take pictures of a hot-watered pond while a random naked man is sitting in it. Maybe not?

We did get Roland (who we met at the hostel and who came with us) to take a picture of us while we soaked our feet in the hot water *---*

I think it turned out quite nice n__n

After coming back to the Beppu Guest House we began our journey towards FUKUOKA. I've been waiting for this, like, since AUGUST OF 2008.The bus trip was supposed to take two and a half hours. But. There was a block on the road/ traffic jam/ I don't even know WHAT but it took us four hours. Four. Like come on, Japan's busses and trains and all that are supposed be on time all the time. 

Like I'll believe anything said to me about these things anymore.

So, we arrived to Hakata Station and I had it mixed up with the Tenjin area, which is actually 1-2 km away, and there we were, riding the bus up to the third floor (the bus went up there. It was seriously w e i r d when a bus is going up those little tunnels made for cars to get to the uppermost levels of a parking lot...) in total blackness of the tunnel, wondering where in the name of all those seven hells we were. And when the bus started playing this "thank you for using this line" explanations-tape we were freaked as we realized this was the last stop and we'd have to get off here. The driver was unceremoniously dumping our stuff to the side of the bus and we were just gawking around, still not knowing where we were, where the hostel was and HOW TO GET THERE.

The driver left us there (being already over an hour late he was probably quite tense), wondering which floor the exit was. It took quite some time to get ourselves in order and out of the building, but when we did we ran into a girl who practically saved our lives (or at least two hours of our day in unessential search) by telling us where our hostel was (she had this little Japan-guide with all basic-and-not-so-basic info in it), where the info was and then lead us to the info even as she herself waas already in a hurry. You whose name I never learned: we will be ever grateful.

In the end and after a lot of fumbling around, stalking with maps and meeting a guy from our hostel in Nagasaki, we found the hostel Khaosan Fukuoka and checked in.

After snooping around for some info on Fukuoka and where-to-go guides we went to the supermarket. and cooked and omelet (Mia did, I poured the milk and dropped the eggs). Then we were on our laptops. Socializing. Then..... we're going to bed. Sorry I'm tired and just can't think of a good, flowing end to the entry so Iäll just stop here kthxbye.

1 kommentti:

  1. Good afternoon girls !
    Happy to hear you are finally arrived to Fukuoka, have nice time and don't spend all your money shopping centers:). I hope you have enough time to visit the family where Ida you spend time on your language course.
    We are in Padasjoki and the weather is wonderful. Too pad ,we have to go back to Helsinki this evening, our holiday didn't start yet. Iikka sends his love and hope to see you soon.

    Regards Mom Sari
